Saturday, June 28, 2014

A Cut Above

While I got a haircut at the local "Salon de Coiffure", Karl had a walk through Céaucé to take photos of houses.  We don't want to forget this little town.

The Before

Stephanie Coiffure

Don't you think this house is alive?  There is a face here, with the upper windows housing beautiful eyes.

I've discovered that I haven't really been spelling the name of this town correctly.  It is not Ceaucé, but Céaucé, with an accent on both "e"s.  The first spelling is pronounced "So Say" whereas the second is pronounced "Say Oh Say".  The locals say it so fast that it does sound like the first...

The red bar across the name of Céaucé indicates that you are leaving the town.  No sooner the town ends that the countryside begins.

Karl went right around and ended up back in town.

The After

 A mare and her foal enjoying the early evening.  We are on our way out to dinner.

Long, gangly legs


  1. What great pictures of the village. And a lovely haircut!

  2. Love the haircut, you look adorable! And the houses are so cute!
